
Archive for 14 mars, 2009

Gideon Levy är en oberoende journalist som skriver i den israeliska tidningen Haaretz. Han uppfyller journalistikens främsta villkor: att kritiskt granska och ifrågasätta rådande mediala diskurser, särskilt i tider när det kostar på.

Rubriken på hans artikel häromdagen var lite utmanande: ”Has anyone in Israel asked why the Swedes hate us?” Han syftar förstås på demonstrationerna i Malmö i samband med Davis Cupmatchen i förra veckan:

Thousands demonstrated there against Israel, which was forced to wield its racket like a leper, with no audience in attendance. Did anyone in Israel even ask why it was considered a pariah in Sweden? No one dared question whether the war in the Gaza Strip was worth the price we’re paying now, from Ankara to Malmo. It’s enough to recall that the Swedes were always against us. The fact that there were times when they were awash in love for Israel was erased from our consciousness.

Vår hemmaopinion, fortsätter Levy, tror alltid att världen är emot oss. I själva verket är det tvärtom. Det finns ingen nation som så snabbt blir förlåten som vår.

Granted, world public opinion is very critical, sometimes in a way that’s unique to Israel, but most governments (except Venezuela and Turkey, but including Egypt and Sweden) are far from being in sync with the public opinion in their countries. The official world continues to be sympathetic to Israel, regardless of its actions. The rise of Hamas, the increase in hatred for Islam in the West, the American hegemony – all this helps in strengthening the support, and we know how to make the very most of it. What’s the difference between national tennis player Andy Ram and national tennis player Thomas Johansson? Johansson and his angry fans saw real pictures from Gaza; Ram and his complacent fans never did. Had Ram seen them, maybe he, too, would demonstrate. But he, like most Israelis, was spared this discomfort, thanks to the gung-ho Israeli press. Can we and Ram really criticize those who were horrified by the pictures from the war? Can we reproach those who dare to protest against the people responsible for those scenes? Are we demanding that the world remain silent once again?

Innan man läser Göran Skyttes krönika i dagens SvD kan det vara intressant att ha Gideon Levys reflektioner i bakhuvudet.

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